Analisis Peningkatan Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Kelurahan Bidara Cina Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur
Performance, Civil ServantsAbstract
To carry out work effectiveness, an effective and efficient management system is needed that can coordinate every work, office activity, foster and regulate the workforce as executors and provide maximum service to the community. Likewise, the kelurahan in carrying out office activities requires a workforce that is able to work productively in order to achieve the goals and vision and mission that have been set. This study aims to determine and analyze the increase in the performance of civil servants in the Bidara Cina Village, East Jakarta Administrative City. This study uses a research design that is descriptive qualitative. The informants who became informants in this study were the Bidara Cina Village Head, the Head of Government Section, the Head of Ekbang Section, the Bidara Cina Village Staff and the community. Data collection techniques were carried out by library research and field research. While data analysis techniques include data reduction activities, data presentation as well as drawing conclusions and verification. From this study it was concluded that: (1) The performance of civil servants in the Bidara Cina Village was generally quite good. This can be seen from the cohesiveness of employees in coordination and teamwork. However, there must be a further staffing development program so that employees can be more disciplined at work. (2) Factors that influence the performance of civil servants in the Bidara Cina Sub-District, East Jakarta Administrative City, include employee development, promotion, employee income, work environment, work facilities and educational background. (3) Efforts made to improve the performance of civil servants in the Bidara Cina Sub-District, East Jakarta Administrative City, can be carried out by organizing employee development programs starting from the city to the provincial level, providing promotion for employees who excel, creating a comfortable work environment and conducive for employees, giving employees the right to leave proportionally, giving appreciation and work motivation to employees, creating a comfortable working atmosphere, and evaluating employee performance regularly.
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